Noma - the disease of poverty
NOMA, also known as “The face of Poverty” is a bacterial disease leading to tissue destruction of the face, especially the mouth and the cheek. It affects almost exclusively malnourished children in developing countries.
Yearly approx. 100,000 children suffer from Noma. The mortality rate is very high, at 80%. Worldwide every six minutes a child dies from Noma. This disease thrives only in the poorest countries in the world, most are located in sub-Saharan Africa. It can not be repeated often enough: Noma flowers only at the poorest of the poor - Noma is in the truest sense of the word the face of poverty!
what is noma
The disease doesn’t exist in the minds of the general public. This is also partly because it is still demonized. Therefore, affected children are often hidden from strangers or even from their own villagers.
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5th anniversary NHS with Dr. B. Piccard
During the 5th anniversary of NOMA-HILFE-SCHWEIZ, Dr. Bertrand Piccard held an amazing presentation about the disease, his fight and his new projects.
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